Trama. A Las Vegas, una squadra di investigatori forensi sono addestrati per risolvere i crimini esaminando le prove. Perlustrano la scena, raccolgono le prove e trovano i pezzi mancanti che risolveranno il mistero. La squadra in origine guidata dal supervisore Gil Grissom, un esperto entomologo e dalla collega assistente supervisore Catherine Willows, madre single molto devota al. Las Vegas Theater is your guide to shows in Las Vegas's theaters. Find Broadway Shows, Musicals, Plays and Concerts and buy tickets with us now. Las Vegas tickets half price, today or 160 days advance guaranteed lowest price best seats Half Price Tickets 50 discount shows, tours, attraction Las Vegas. Methods The Las Vegas team are scientists foremost and follow the evidence. Crimes The crimes the Las Vegas CSI team face (other than the standard murders, attempted murders, kidnappings, and rapes) include casino robberies, bodies buried in the Nevada desert, and murders during different conventions at casinos. Over the past few years, I have been collecting the entire CSI: Crime Scene Investigation series on DVD, and over the past few months, Ive been watching each season in the order they were broadcast. CSI: Vegas, bis einschlielich Staffel elf CSI: Den Ttern auf der Spur (in der Schweiz: CSI Las Vegas; Originaltitel: CSI: Crime Scene Investigation) war eine USamerikanische Fernsehserie, die die Arbeit der Tatortgruppe der Kriminalpolizei bei der Beweis und Spurensicherung schildert (englisch Crime Scene Investigation: Tatortermittlung). CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, also referred to as CSI and CSI: Las Vegas, is an American procedural forensics crime drama television series which ran on CBS from October 6, 2000, to September 27, 2015, spanning 15 seasons. The series, starring William Petersen, Marg Helgenberger, Ted Danson, Laurence Fishburne, Elisabeth Shue, and Jorja Fox, is the first in the CSI franchise. com is strictly an informative website and in no way guarantees any rates, details or promotions displayed on the site. Las Vegas promotion codes and coupons are subject to change without immediate update on Smartervegas. CSI: The Experience is an interactive, hands on, crime solving experience that gives you the opportunity to take on the role of a real crime scene investigator. Home Page of CueSports International parent company of the BCA Pool League (BCAPL), USA Pool League (USAPL), and various open and professional billiard events. Poniej znajduje si lista odcinkw serialu telewizyjnego Kryminalne zagadki Las Vegas emitowanego przez amerykask stacj telewizyjn CBS od 6 padziernika 2000 roku. W Polsce jest emitowany na AXN, TV Puls oraz TVP2. Premierowe odcinki sezonw s najpierw emitowane na AXN, ktry ma pierwszestwo w emisji. CSI: Kryminalne zagadki Las Vegas (tytu oryginalny: C. : Crime Scene Investigation) amerykaski serial telewizyjny emitowany od 2 padziernika 2000 do 27 padziernika 2015 przez stacj CBS. Opowiada o pracy zespou laboratorium kryminalistycznego policji w Las Vegas. W trzeciej serii do CSI: Kryminalne zagadki Las Vegas doczy serial poboczny CSI: Kryminalne zagadki Miami, w. Las Vegas sorge nel deserto del Mojave. Di conseguenza il paesaggio naturale secco, roccioso e con vegetazione scarsa. La generale aridit del territorio circostante rende ancora pi evidente l'abbondanza d'acqua utilizzata in citt per scopi puramente decorativi, come alimentare il verde artificiale o riempire i laghi e le fontane che molti casin hanno installato. We filled this page with things to do that we enjoy and think you would to. We'll give you the website, physical location, price, hours, all you need to help make your next trip to Las Vegas your best trip ever. CSI Crime Scene Investigation un procedurale poliziesco creato da Anthony E. ZUiker, prodotto da Jerry Bruckheimer, in onda su CBS dal 6 ottobre del 2000. La ville de Las Vegas se trouve dans le sud de l'tat du Nevada, dans le comt de Clark (36 11 39 N, 115 13 19 O). Selon le bureau du recensement des tatsUnis, la commune s'tend sur une superficie de 340 km 2. Une infime partie de cette superficie (0, 04 ) est recouverte par les eaux. Descubre algunas curiosidades de los quince aos del universo 'CSI' Ahora que 'CSI' llega a su fin, descubre alguna de las curiosidades que ha dejado el universo, incluyendo vnculos con Espaa. An elite team of police forensic evidence investigation experts work their cases in Las Vegas. CSI is the longrunning CBS procedural drama about a group of crime scene investigators in Las Vegas. The show was a big hit for most of it's run and eventually became one of. In old downtown Las Vegas, Fremont Street is a pedestrianonly area with all kinds of unique sites. A fiveblock section of Fremont Street is covered over with a canopy of LED lights that illuminate the sky in a spectacle of different colors and designs as you walk below. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, kortweg CSI, is een Amerikaanse televisieserie die om een forensisch onderzoeksteam in Las Vegas draait. In de Verenigde Staten loopt de serie sinds oktober 2000. Het merk CSI breidde na verloop van tijd uit met meerdere spinoffs en in andere media, zoals videospellen en CSIboeken. CSI werd in 2015 stopgezet na 15 seizoenen. Las Vegas ist eine USamerikanische Fernsehserie von Drehbuchautor Gary Scott Thompson (The Fast and the Furious). Die Serie wurde von September 2003 bis Februar 2008 vom FernsehNetwork NBC ausgestrahlt. Die erste Staffel startete am 11. Januar 2006 auf ProSieben und wurde nach nur sechs Episoden wegen zu geringer Einschaltquoten abgesetzt. Im Sommer 2007 wurde die Serie von Kabel. CSI: Las Vegas ili Mjesto zloina (eng. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation) amerika je kriminalistika TVserija koja prati istrage forenzikog tima policije Las Vegasa koji otkriva okolnosti iza tajanstvenih i neobinih smrtnih sluajeva i drugih zloina. Zuiker, a snimala se uglavnom u Universal Studios u Universal Cityju (Kalifornija).