Sherlock Holmes is een fictieve detective uit de verhalen van de laat19deeeuwse, vroeg20steeeuwse schrijver en arts Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Het personage behoort inmiddels tot de bekendste personages ter wereld. Holmes is vooral bekend vanwege zijn intelligentie, en zijn vermogen belangrijke conclusies te deduceren uit kleine, vaak schijnbaar onbelangrijke, aanwijzingen. Holmes's Study (Colour Photo) PDF 300 dpi (Tiff file 4. 8 megabytes) ZIP Baker Street in Victorian Times ZIP: Exhibits ZIP: Blue Plaque ZIP. Beeton's Christmas Annual 1887 ZIP first publication of a Sherlock Holmes story A Study In Scarlet. : House Greyscale Print ZIP 200 dpi. Watercolour of the front of 221b Baker Street. In a previous post, we brought you what is likely the only appearance on film of Sir Arthur Conan Doylean interview in which he talks of Sherlock Holmes and spiritualism. Although Conan Doyle created one of the most hardnosed rational characters in literature, the author himself later became converted to a variety of supernatural beliefs, and he was taken in by a few hoaxes. Sherlock Holmes is een Britse film uit 2009, gebaseerd op het gelijknamige personage bedacht door Arthur Conan Doyle. De film is geproduceerd door Warner Bros. , en geregisseerd door Guy Ritchie. vertolkt in de film de rol van Holmes, en Jude Law die van John H. Andere hoofdrollen zijn weggelegd voor Mark Strong, Eddie Marsan en Hans Matheson Sherlock Holmes summary of box office results, charts and release information and related links. Sherlock Holmes (IPA: [lk homz) un personaggio letterario ideato da Arthur Conan Doyle alla fine del XIX secolo appartenente al genere letterario del giallo deduttivo. Il personaggio, esordito nel romanzo Uno studio in rosso del 1887, comparso in quattro romanzi e cinquantasei racconti, assurgendo al ruolo di icona del giallo e venendo ripreso in numerose opere teatrali. If your idea of Sherlock Holmes adheres only to a strict visualization of the stories as written by Doyle then you aren't going to like this movie. Its quite likely you picked up your first pipe as a nod to the famous fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes. The good detective smoked a Peterson tobacco pipe to help him think and the Sherlock Holmes series are all created with that colorful history in mind. Sherlock Holmes is a 2009 mystery period action film based on the character of the same name created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The film was directed by Guy Ritchie and produced by Joel Silver, Lionel Wigram, Susan Downey, and Dan Lin. The screenplay, by Michael Robert Johnson, Anthony Peckham, and Simon Kinberg, was developed from a story by Wigram and Johnson. The mysterious actionadventure, Sherlock Holmes staged by the renowned filmmaker Guy Ritchie for Warner Bros. Pictures and Village Roadshow Pictures. Wondering where Sherlocks coat came from and how much it cost? Steven Moffat e Mark Gatiss, ambos grandes fs de Sherlock Holmes, j tinham adaptado obras da literatura vitoriana televiso quando comearam a pensar num conceito para uma srie sobre o. Sherlock Holmes: Crimes et Chtiments (Sherlock Holmes: Crimes Punishments en version originale) est un jeu vido d'aventure dvelopp par Frogwares et dit par Focus Home Interactive. Le jeu est sorti sur PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 et Xbox One le 30 septembre 2014. Il s'agit du septime volet de la srie de jeux Sherlock Holmes du dveloppeur, d'o l'abrviation Sherlock Holmes 7. Goofs Throughout the works of Conan Doyle, and the writers who have translated his works for other media, Sherlock Holmes is shown as using deductive logic. The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes: The Novels (Slipcased Edition) (Vol. 3) [Arthur Conan Doyle, Leslie S. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. The four classic novels of Sherlock Holmes, heavily illustrated and annotated with extensive scholarly commentary Sherlock Holmes ( r l k h o m z or h o l m z ) is a fictional private detective created by British author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Referring to himself as a consulting detective in the stories, Holmes is known for his proficiency with observation, forensic science, and logical reasoning that borders on the fantastic, which he employs when investigating cases for a. Sherlock Holmes has become such a cultural fixture since he first appeared in print that all of us have surely, at one time or another, considered reading through the London detective's complete case files. Die Abenteuer des Sherlock Holmes (Originaltitel: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes) sind eine Sammlung von zwlf Kurzgeschichten von Arthur Conan Doyle. Die Geschichten wurden ursprnglich von Juli 1891 bis Juni 1892 im Strand Magazine verffentlicht, der Sammelband mit Illustrationen von Sidney Paget erschien am 14. Oktober 1892 in Grobritannien und am 15. Your Second Life virtual world guide to the best in games, arts, chat locations, avatar fashion, music and more. With his 2009 movie Sherlock Holmes, Robert Downey, Jr. joined more than 70 actors who have played the great detective in over 200 films. That makes Holmes the most portrayed literary human character on screen according to Guinness World Records.